"Governors make an exceptional contribution to the school’s success. They understand their responsibilities and they carry out their role to the highest standard. Governors’ strategic leadership, coupled with their effective approach to holding leaders to account, ensures that their high ambition for pupils is met."
Ofsted, 2022
Governing Body for Broughton High School:
- The governors promote the very highest standards of educational achievement for all pupils. They also have a general responsibility for all conduct within the school affecting all within the school community.
- All school governors are members of a ‘corporate body’ with delegated powers and functions to be exercised in a lawful way.
- School governors are all volunteers and are drawn from different parts of the community; parents, staff, LA, community and other groups.
- The Governing Body contributes to strategic development and raising standards of achievement for all. Any decisions impacting on the school community must be legal and in line with DfE/LA advice, guidance and statutes.
- Governors exist to challenge and support the school in a proportionate, fair manner on behalf of all children and families.
The constitution of the Governing Body must be in line with the School Governance (Constitution) Regulations 2012 and shall consist of: parent governors (at least two), one authority governor, one staff governor, one Headteacher and co-opted governors. The staff governor represents staff views and reports back to colleagues as/when appropriate. The clerk to the governors is appointed by the local authority. The Chair and Vice Chair of Governors are usually appointed at the Autumn term meeting. The current Chair is Mrs Martine Morris and the Vice Chair is Mrs Liz Hamilton.
There are four Full Governors’ meetings per year. The September meeting is an opportunity for governors to be made aware of the latest standards and to become involved in the setting of strategic priorities.
The main work of the governors at Broughton is in terms of:
- Managing the school’s finance
- Ensuring the curriculum is relevant, balanced and broad
- Appointing staff
- Reviewing staff performance and pay
- Supporting and challenging the Headteacher
- Ensuring academic standards are as high as possible
The Governing Body at Broughton delegates certain responsibilities to two committees:
- Personnel and Finance Committee
- Standards and Effectiveness Committee
Each committee presents a report on its work in the termly Full Governors’ report. All new policies must be approved by the relevant committee.
The Chair of the Personnel and Finance committee is Mrs Martine Morris
The Chair of the Standards and Effectiveness committee is Mrs Liz Hamilton
There are other ad hoc committees, essential to the effective delegation of the governing body’s legal responsibilities for:
- Pay/Appeals
- Staff Grievance/Complaints/Appeals
- Staff Discipline and Dismissal/Appeals
- Headteacher Review
- Pupil Discipline
The Headteacher has regular meetings, throughout the academic year, with the Chair of Governors.
Any written correspondence for the attention of Mrs Martine Morris, Chair of Governors, should be sent c/o Broughton High School, Woodplumpton Lane, Broughton, Preston, PR3 5JJ.
Additional School Financial Information
Governor Attendance 2024 - 2025Governor Attendance 2023 - 2024Governor Attendance 2022 - 2023
"Senior leaders and governors ensure pupils study a wide range of subjects that meet their needs, interests and set them up extremely well for their future lives."
Ofsted, 2022