Attendance and Punctuality
"Pupils at this school are provided with an exceptional education. Pupils told inspectors that they love coming to Broughton High School. They described it as being part of a happy and safe family."
Ofsted, 2022
It is vital that your child attends school as regularly as possible. This is important to avoid missing valuable lesson time and falling behind. School, further education establishments and employers all place great emphasis on consistent attendance and good punctuality.
Registers are completed electronically each lesson in addition to registration at 8.40am. Session attendance (both morning and afternoon) makes up the academic percentage attendance achieved by each pupil. Broughton prides itself on its high attendance record. Attendance has a very visible profile within the school with numerous competitions and initiatives throughout the academic year.
Any school absence should be kept to a minimum. If your child is ill and unable to attend Broughton, please contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence, at the latest by 8.40am, by phoning school on tel: 01772 863849, and keep school informed of any ongoing absence on a daily basis.
Unless Broughton has already been notified, on the first morning of absence, parents will receive a telephone call requesting a reason for absence. Truancy from school, or failure to provide a reason for absence, will result in the absence being coded as unauthorised. Please be assured that Broughton have the best interest of your child in mind. We rely on your support and co-operation in attendance matters to ensure the health and safety of your child is at the forefront of all that we do.
Medical Visits
If a medical visit during school hours is necessary pupils must provide a note and be signed out by a parent at the i-Centre reception. On return to school they must again ensure that they are signed in at reception, pupils must then proceed straight to their current lesson.
Holidays During Term Time
Broughton does not authorise holidays taken during term time. All requests in the case of exceptional circumstances should be addressed to the Headteacher. Holidays taken during term time will be classed as unauthorised. Broughton does operate a policy of fines/penalties for continued unauthorised absence, in accordance with Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
- Read our Attendance Policy
- Download the Lancashire County Council Application for Leave of Absence form
Home Contact Details
In light of the above, it is essential that Broughton is able to contact parents at the earliest opportunity. Please ensure that all contact details are correct, including emergency telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Attendance Improvement Officer: Mrs Robinson
"Pupils are kind and care about others. They know about and value each other’s differences.
Pupils make friends easily here."
Ofsted, 2022