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Broughton High School

Achieving Together


"Pupils at this school are provided with an exceptional education.  Pupils are kind and care about others; they make friends easily here."

Ofsted, 2022




Information about pupil admissions to the school

Pupils' admission into Year 7 in September is arranged by the Area Education Office. Details concerning the application for places at local secondary schools are published in a County Council booklet which is distributed to primary schools in the Autumn Term. This includes details of the selection criteria, oversubscription criteria, admission number and admission arrangements for disabled pupils.

This booklet may also be obtained from: Area Pupils Services Team, Area Education Office (Secondary), Joint Divisional Offices, East Cliff, Preston PR1 3PR Telephone: 01772 532109.

The school's standard admission number for Year 7 is 180.

Apply for a Secondary School place via the Lancashire County Council website.

Parents who are initially unsuccessful in obtaining a place at the school may appeal by following this link: Secondary School Appeals

The Area Education Office can provide parents with advice about financial assistance towards the cost of transport for pupils to and from school, lunch meals without payment and grants for essential clothing and equipment.

Changing Schools

Lancashire County Council co-ordinates in-year admissions for Broughton High School.

To move your child to a different school please refer to Lancashire County Council's in-year admissions information.

You should not use this process if you are applying for:

- a child living in another local authority area, such as Blackpool or Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council - please contact them directly.
- a child who has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan - please contact the Inclusion Service for guidance
- a Looked After Child - please apply directly through the local area education office