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Broughton High School

Achieving Together


Staff List

"Leaders ensure that pupils and their families swiftly get the help that they need."

Ofsted, 2022

Being involved in the life and work of a new school can be a daunting experience – at least to begin with! Do, please, feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Who do I contact?

Parents are not always certain who to contact about particular issues, so here is an overview. Detailed contact lists are also available to download.

Progress, homework, illness or pastoral concerns:

Relevant Form Tutor or Head of Year.


Head of Year 7    Mrs Newton

Head of Year 8    Mrs Boardman

Head of Year 9    Mrs Higham

Head of Year 10  Mr Hughes

Head of Year 11  Mrs Bishop

Pastoral Manager (KS3)  Mrs Bamber
Pastoral Manager (KS4)  Miss Cross
Transition  Mrs Bamber
Admissions   Mrs Sweeney (Headteacher's P.A.)
Attendance  Mrs Robinson (Attendance Improvement Officer) 
Careers/Post 16 education  Mrs Smethurst and Mrs Patel (Independent Careers Adviser) 
Change of personal details  Mrs Follett (School Business Manager) 
Child Protection   Mr Bailey (Deputy Headteacher) 
Headteacher’s P.A.   Mrs Sweeney
Library  Mrs Whitlock (Librarian) 
Lost Property  Mrs Dumbell (Administration Officer) 
School Buses   Mr Darling (Operations Manager) 
School Meals   Mrs Follett (School Business Manager) 
Special Needs   Mrs Hardman (SENDCo/Specialist Teacher - Learning Support)
Sport  Mr Marquis (Head of P.E.) 
Uniform   Mrs Dumbell (Administration Officer) 


Staff List

Form Tutor List