Staff List
"Leaders ensure that pupils and their families swiftly get the help that they need."
Ofsted, 2022
Being involved in the life and work of a new school can be a daunting experience – at least to begin with! Do, please, feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Who do I contact?
Parents are not always certain who to contact about particular issues, so here is an overview. Detailed contact lists are also available to download.
Progress, homework, illness or pastoral concerns: Relevant Form Tutor or Head of Year. |
Head of Year 7 Mrs Newton Head of Year 8 Mrs Boardman Head of Year 9 Mrs Higham Head of Year 10 Mr Hughes Head of Year 11 Mrs Bishop |
Pastoral Manager (KS3) | Mrs Bamber |
Pastoral Manager (KS4) | Miss Cross |
Transition | Mrs Bamber |
Admissions | Mrs Sweeney (Headteacher's P.A.) |
Attendance | Mrs Robinson (Attendance Improvement Officer) |
Careers/Post 16 education | Mrs Smethurst and Mrs Patel (Independent Careers Adviser) |
Change of personal details | Mrs Follett (School Business Manager) |
Child Protection | Mr Bailey (Deputy Headteacher) |
Headteacher’s P.A. | Mrs Sweeney |
Library | Mrs Whitlock (Librarian) |
Lost Property | Mrs Dumbell (Administration Officer) |
School Buses | Mr Darling (Operations Manager) |
School Meals | Mrs Follett (School Business Manager) |
Special Needs | Mrs Hardman (SENDCo/Specialist Teacher - Learning Support) |
Sport | Mr Marquis (Head of P.E.) |
Uniform | Mrs Dumbell (Administration Officer) |