Headteacher's Welcome
I am delighted to introduce you to Broughton High School. We are a popular, high-achieving mixed 11-16 community school with a proud history of success and high expectations. We are located in the village of Broughton towards the north of Preston.

Our school motto is ‘Achieving Together’ and throughout your time with us here at school we will work together as a team to ensure that you can achieve ‘Your Best at Broughton’.
You will see through our vision statement that we place a real importance on ‘High Achievement’, ‘Personal Support’, a ‘Feeling of Community’ and being ‘Part of a Team’. Broughton is a friendly, family orientated school with a strong feeling of everyone being part of the ‘team’; pupils, staff, governors and parents. Our pupils are provided with numerous opportunities to be the best that they can be and to experience the joy of success in an atmosphere in which all feel safe, cared for, valued and inspired to learn. The ‘team’ at Broughton are well qualified and have a proven track record of going the extra mile to ensure pupils are successful and happy at our school. We are also extremely fortunate to have supportive, well-informed parents who involve themselves with the life of the school and naturally want the very best for their son/daughter.
At our last inspection, OFSTED judged Broughton High School to be outstanding in all areas. Our GCSE results continue to be consistently above the national averages and pupils achieve extremely well. However, life at Broughton is much more than examination results. There are a huge number of extra-curricular clubs and opportunities for our pupils from music, drama and sport to the Duke of Edinburgh Award and trips abroad. We encourage all our pupils to ‘get involved’.
The best aspect of our school is undoubtedly our pupils. They are polite, smart, well-behaved and extremely hard-working. They are supported by a team of fantastic members of staff and together we work hard every day to be the best we can be, not only in the classroom but in our respectful and polite interactions with each other, members of the public and visitors to school. I am overwhelmed with the comments I receive regarding the manners and respect that our pupils display on a daily basis. We have exceptionally high expectations of our pupils in every aspect of school life and their development. We insist on the highest standards of appearance and we expect our pupils to behave impeccably. We are proud of our pupils and proud of our school.
David Botes
"Pupils enjoy each other’s company at social times. They smile and laugh a lot. Pupils are fully focused on learning in class. Their behaviour is exemplary. Senior leaders and governors ensure pupils study a wide range of subjects that meet their needs, interests and set them up extremely well for their future lives."
Ofsted, 2022