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Broughton High School

Achieving Together


Our aim is to enable pupils to communicate in a foreign language and to develop a curiosity and fascination in discovering the world and its people, as well as having an interest and intention to travel and to deepen their understanding of different cultures

The focus of our curriculum is heavily directed to the development of pupil’s communication skills, self-efficacy, strong and durable retention of language, independence, and autonomy. Through the 3 pillars of progression – phonology, vocabulary and Grammar, pupils will gain strong phonetic knowledge that enables them to converse confidently and provides a reinforcement of many literacy skills from their first language. They will learn how to manipulate grammar to allow them to personalise information and retain core phrases that can be recycled in many real-life situations. Through this knowledge and confidence, they will become resilient and competent linguists who are open minded and versatile communicators.

Approaches to Teaching and Leaning in French

The MFL SOWs follow the national curriculum and are designed with the demands of the GCSE in mind. Our KS3 curriculum foreshadows the three themes of the AQA GCSE course for French and German. Our SOWs are carefully sequenced, and vocabulary is chosen based on the most used vocabulary and key grammatical structures. Progression levels are planned throughout the Key stages. The target language approach in the classroom provides an essential dimension of practice and reinforcement. We constantly adapt and select the language we use in the classroom to take account of pupil learning and capability. We actively encourage students to use the foreign language as a means of communication. Vocabulary teaching is varied and in accordance with the context. It is constantly practised and consolidated. Language patterns eg. prefixes are regularly highlighted. Grammar plays a role in each topic and through interleaving the complexity and expansion of knowledge progresses as each year is completed. Grammar is taught explicitly and implicitly throughout all years and is a running thread through all planning and teaching. Phonics are taught directly and systematically, to help with pronunciation and spelling. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are taught in conjunction with each other. Our objective is to enable students of all abilities to develop their language skills to their full potential.

Department Staff

Mrs E Hendey - Head of French/Lead Practitioner

Mrs J Higham - Specialist Teacher of MFL/HOY 9

Mr M Tomlin -  Specialist Teacher of MFL

Mrs J Williams - Assistant Headteacher/Specialist Teacher of MFL


Year 7 2 hours per week ... approx. 78 hours

Year 8 2 hours per week ... approx. 78 hours

Year 9 1.5 hours per week ... approx. 58 hours

Year 10/11 GCSE 2/3 or 3/2 hours per week ... approx. 170 hours

French Curriculum Statement

To view the document please click here

French Curriculum Map/Journey

To view the document please click here

What does homework look like in French

To view the document please click here

How we assess in French

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How we strive for quality and consistency in 'presentation, marking and feedback' in French

To view the document please click here

How we promote reading in French

To view the 'Wider Reading in French' document please click here

To view the 'Read like a Linguist' document please click here

To view the 'Reading Strategies in MFL' document please click here

Cultural Capital opportunities in French

To view the document please click here

How our French curriculum supports careers education

To view the document please click here