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Broughton High School

Achieving Together

School Catering

Our aim is to provide a balanced, healthy menu for all pupils and staff. We listen to pupils by carrying out termly audits to ensure we meet their needs by offering an extensive choice of food options in all outlets.

Here at Broughton High School our catering staff work very hard to maintain the quality and variety of meals with every effort being made to respond to pupils’ requests. We operate two dining halls, two Take away stands, deli panini bar, an outdoor kiosk, and a year 11 lounge, serving a variety of hot and cold food.

As part of our continuous development of the Catering facility we operate a cashless catering system. This system enables all pupils and staff to have a catering account which is topped up by Parent Pay.


Packed Lunches

If you wish your child to bring a packed lunch this can be eaten in either of the dining halls.  We strongly discourage fizzy drinks. Water is always the healthy option. Water fountains are installed in both dining rooms.

Free School Meals

If you think you qualify for free school meals please do not hesitate to contact Lancashire County Council Education Welfare 01772531809 for advice and guidance. All enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence.

Lunchtime operates from 1.20 – 2.00pm.

We serve from seven outlets during lunch:

  • Year 11 Lounge
  • The Kiosk
  • Take away stand in each dining room
  • ‘Junior’ dining room
  • ‘Senior’ dining room 
  • The Deli Panini Bar

Break operates from 11.00 – 11.20am.

We serve from both dining rooms and the Year 11 lounge during break.