Early Help
Early Help Offer
Broughton High School is committed to providing families with the right help at the right time. It is perfectly normal for all families to need a little extra help or advice from time to time. If you, as a family, are struggling or if you have any worries or concerns about your child, our Early Help offer can provide much needed support and advice.
This may include concerns about behaviour, home circumstances, mental health or general well-being.
If you have concerns about your child, you can contact their Form Tutor, Head of Year or one of the Pastoral Team listed below.
Pastoral and Safeguarding Team
Mr Bailey | Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Deputy Headteacher | baileys@broughtonhigh.co.uk |
Mr Botes | Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Headteacher | botesd@broughtonhigh.co.uk |
Mrs Boardman | Deputy DSL, Head of Year 7/Teacher of Science | boardmana@broughtonhigh.co.uk |
Mrs Bamber | Deputy DSL, Pastoral Manager (KS3) | bamberv@broughtonhigh.co.uk |
Miss Cross | Deputy DSL, Pastoral Manager (KS4) | crosse@broughtonhigh.co.uk |
Mr Banks | Deputy DSL, Pastoral Manager | banksc@broughtonhigh.co.uk |
Mr Ellis | Deputy DSL | ellisa@broughtonhigh.co.uk |
The Role of School Day to Day Support
Most families, most of the time, can get on with their lives quite happily with little or no outside help. If they need help it is usually provided by universal services, such as schools. We have a number of agencies that we work with in school that can offer support.
Here at Broughton we all play an active role in supporting the wellbeing of our pupils.
We do this using the Thrive Approach in which strategies will be put in place for any pupil who need additional wellbeing support.
Getting Advice - Those who need advice and signposting to other services for support.
Strategies will be put in place for any pupils who need advice to help support with their wellbeing. This may be in the form of support with the Form Tutor where issues can be addressed and advice given. Alongside support from the pastoral team, and where necessary sign posting to online support.
Getting Help – Those who need focused goals approach.
For pupils who still need support after working with the pastoral team and being signposted to online support. Following a meeting with parents and the pupil, a referral may be made external agencies to request more specific support.
Getting More Help – Those who need more extensive and specialist goals-based help.
A higher level of support in needed and this support could be accessed through an Early Help Assessment.
Getting Risk Support
Those that have not benefitted from or unable to use help, but are of such as risk that are still in contact with services or need immediate support.
School Counsellor
School Counsellor Ms Law, lawc@broughtonhigh.co.uk
The school counselling service offers pupils time to explore their own feelings and emotions in a safe environment, working towards enabling them to gain an understanding of themselves or situations they may be facing.
Throughout the counselling process, the aim is to help the pupil find solutions, strategies and ways to make effective changes. This process is based on 6 sessions over 6 weeks, which will be reviewed. Please note access to this service is by referral only.
Compass Bloom
We work with Compass Bloom who support pupils who are low in mood and/or suffering with mild anxiety. This agency also works with parents. As a parent you can contact them directly:
School Nurse
Our School Nurse supports pupils with advice and guidance on a wide range of topics:
- Health Advice
- Bullying Issues
- Emotional Wellbeing
- Healthy Eating
- Family Relationships
If you would like more information please contact Mrs Bamber or Miss Cross. Pupils can also request to see the School Nurse via safe@broughton
Therapy Dog
Working with ‘Pets as Therapy’ a nationally recognised company, ‘Wilson’ the dog and his owner Phillipa come into school on a weekly basis to work discretely with small groups of pupils or individuals to help build confidence around mental health, social situations and friendship groups. If you would like more information please contact Mrs Bamber bamberv@broughtonhigh.co.uk
Early Help Assessment
All families can have times, however, when difficulties arise and they either may not recognise it or may not know what to do next. Schools play a significant role in supporting families to address these difficulties, which might include bringing in support via an external agency through an Early Help Assessment (EHA).
Early Help is the process by which the needs of children and their families are identified and addressed as soon as they emerge. The Early Help Assessment is an intervention, carried out in conjunction with a family, to gather, explore and analyse information about all aspects of the child or young person (and their family’s) life, before identifying areas where positive change can be made.
For further information: The Early Help Assessment and Plan - Lancashire County Council