Staying Safe Online
"Pupils learn about risks to their safety, and how to spot and avoid them. They seek help when they need it."
Ofsted, 2022
Online Safety
The internet is wonderful tool that has many benefits. However, it can also pose a risk if it is not used correctly. Online safety is being aware of possible threats that you could encounter whilst engaging in activity through the internet. These could be security threats, protecting and managing your personal data, online reputation management and avoiding harmful or illegal content.
Filtering & Monitoring
At Broughton High School, we place a strong emphasis on educating and protecting our pupils so they know how to use the internet safely. We have a filtering and monitoring system called NET support. This software is used in school to promote a safe online learning environment. If a pupil is exposed to any online risks or a safeguarding concern is highlighted using our IT systems, these are identified and acted upon swiftly by our Pastoral team.
Social Media
It is essential that we recognise the growing use of social networking sites among your people and continue to have ongoing conversations about safety, both in school and at home and be clear about how we expect pupils to communicate with others.
By clicking on the icons below, you will find valuable information about staying safe on each platform.
Reporting Online Behaviour
Online abuse or any nature should be reported. Parents and/or pupils can contact school to seek assistance, either in person or via safe@broughton
The following links are also useful aids to help pupils remain safe online:
1. Report-remove: enables young people under the age of 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images or videos of themselves and remove them from the internet.
2. CEOP: Child Exploitation Online Protection: A method of reporting online sexual abuse or you’re worried this is happening to someone you know.
3. Report Harmful Content: Allows the user to highlight abuse online to get it removed.
Other links to help enjoy a happier, safer digital life:
- Think U Know:
- NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online:
- NSPCC Net Aware, Guide to Apps, Games & Social Media:
Parents Guide to Internet Safety:
- A guide to parental controls
- How to set up filters on your home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your
- Online Safety Videos