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Broughton High School

Achieving Together


"Pupils learn about risks to their safety, and how to spot and avoid them. They seek help when they need it.  Leaders keep staff up to date with information about the dangers that pupils may face. Therefore, staff are quick to spot the signs that pupils may be at risk of harm. They report any concerns in a timely way. These concerns are acted upon promptly. Leaders ensure that pupils and their families swiftly get the help that they need."

Ofsted, 2022

We take pride in listening to all our pupils by ensuring that they feel supported on a daily basis to enable them to ‘Achieve Together’.  However, there are occasions when pupils need additional help and support about things that are worrying them and need someone to talk to.  This may be about concerns at school, friendships or exam stress, behaviour on the buses, home life, or issues experienced outside of school.

To voice any concerns they may have, pupils can either scan the QR code:

or they can send an email to safe@broughton 

Pupils access safe@broughton using their school email. The pastoral team closely monitor the mailbox and respond promptly to any issues which arise.

safe@broughton is not an emergency service. Any information pupils share will be acted on within school working hours (8:30am to 3:30pm). We aim to respond to all concerns within of 1 working day (during term time).

As well as contacting safe@broughton pupils can share any concerns they have by contacting:

In school

•  Form Tutor
•  Head of Year
•  Pastoral Team
•  Member of staff
•  School Nurse (through referral)
•  School Counsellor (through referral)

Outside School

•  Parents
•  Trusted adult
•  Friends

If you are in crisis and need immediate support please contact:

•  The Samaritans – Call 08457 909090
•  Childline (up to 25 years) – Call 0800 1111
•  Shout (24/7 Crisis text line for young people) - Text Shout to 85258
•  Lancashire Mental Health Crisis Line - 0800 953 0110